Investors keep pouring money into GARS – is that a good idea?
The SLI GARS fund was the best-selling mutual fund in Europe in November, taking in €1bn in net new money. However, there are multi-strategy funds that perform much better.
The SLI GARS fund was the best-selling mutual fund in Europe in November, taking in €1bn in net new money. However, there are multi-strategy funds that perform much better.
Alexandre Garrabou von Trotha heads up the fund-of-fund business of Banc Sabadell in Barcelona. In a video interview with EIE’s Tjibbe Hoekstra, he explains how he has dealt with the huge inflows into his fund-of-funds range. He also tells about the changing risk appetite of Spanish investors.
A profile of Alexandre Garrabou von Trotha, head of fund selection and fund portfolio management at Sabadell Inversión
Expert Investor Europe brought together six decision-makers to discuss the issues facing professional fund selectors