Candriam unveils carbon neutral Climate Action fund
Fund will invest in companies in energy efficiency, renewable energy, recycling, waste and water management
Fund will invest in companies in energy efficiency, renewable energy, recycling, waste and water management
Michael Cirami, who runs Eaton Vance’s Emerging Markets Local Income fund, outlines his strategy in comparison with peers
Exchange Traded Fund issued by BNP Paribas Easy is tradable on Xetra and Börse Frankfurt
New ETFs cover Brazil, China, Korea and India and are market cap-weighted and benchmarked to country indices
Morningstar report shows stark differences in sustainability beliefs and ESG regulation in the US, compared to Europe
New strategy offers access to diversified portfolio of small and medium-sized unlisted companies across the world
Five party centre-left coalition plans to raise taxes and increase spending but fragile pact concerns investors
Emerging markets debt (EMD) is coming of age as an asset class, offering investors a large and diverse opportunity set in country currencies and interest rates.
The C-Suite representatives backing LGBT+ people in the financial services industry
KLP has sold out of 42 alcohol and 55 gambling firms and will also shun investments in pornography
New Ucits fund is actively managed and non-benchmarked and will predominantly invest in European credit
It remains difficult to find gender data related to profit and loss at a company, according to AXA IM