UBP and Rothschild unveil private equity fund

New strategy offers access to diversified portfolio of small and medium-sized unlisted companies across the world


David Robinson

Swiss group Union Bancaire Privée (UBP) has signed a partnership with investment bank Rothschild & Co to provide a private equity fund for private and institutional clients.

The move comes at a time of rising demand for illiquid strategies among European fund selectors, according to Last Word Research.

The new fund will allow clients to invest in a range of unlisted companies. UBP has worked with Partners Group since 2017 and acquired ACPI in 2018 – offers a range of private debt solutions.

Rothschild & Co manages a set of dedicated private equity and private debt funds, totalling more than €11bn worth of assets.

The new strategy developed through this partnership will give UBP’s clients access to a diversified portfolio of small and medium-sized companies across the world, through four private equity approaches (Primary, Direct Secondary, Late Primary, and Direct), the groups said in a statement.

Alexandre de Rothschild, executive chairman of Rothschild & Co, said: “Over ten years we have been building up a private equity platform spanning the full spectrum of expertise we have at Rothschild & Co, which has enabled us to offer our clients the best investment opportunities in the small and medium-sized segment.”