Hermes finds correlation between ESG and credit spreads
New research from Hermes Investment Management shows a correlation between companies’ ESG scores and credit spreads.
New research from Hermes Investment Management shows a correlation between companies’ ESG scores and credit spreads.
Only one in three European insurance companies invest responsibly, and most of these mainly do so because of regulatory pressure, according to fresh research from AXA IM. But large and small insurers don’t take ESG equally unseriously.
Susanne Bolin-Gärtner has overhauled the selection philosophy at Stockholm’s Folksam Fondforsäkring, shifting the focus from ‘exotic’ to flexible funds with a wide mandate while improving ESG standards.
BlackRock has launched a sustainable ETF with exposure to Japan. It’s an addition to a range of ETFs the asset manager has launched recently.
Right now is a fantastic time to invest in North American companies that have ESG integration at the heart of their strategy, says BMO GAM’s Jamie Jenkins, head of global ESG equities.
BlueBay Asset Management has launched the Global High Yield ESG Bond Fund, incorporating the ESG policy used by Norway’s oil fund.
Fund selectors should be flexible when it comes to their ESG demands, and adapt these to the asset classes they invest in. That’s the conclusion of a study conducted by bfinance.
Passive ESG strategies tend to focus exclusively on large caps. This is a problem because they miss out on ESG opportunities in small cap companies that can only be exploited by active managers, according to Ryan Smith, head of ESG research at Kames Capital. Does he have a point?
President-elect Donald Trump might not be all bad for funds that make impactful investments in clean energy, technology or innovative pharmaceuticals, says AXA Investment Managers global head of responsible investment Matt Christensen.
ESG funds are fast becoming a staple that caters for the appetite of Northern European investors. But in the centre of Europe’s automotive industry, Bavaria, investors are not quite as bothered with sustainability.
Companies listed in the Eurozone score best on Environmental, Social and Governance criteria, according to Morningstar research, with Portugal getting the highest score. On the other end of the scale, two of the BRICS countries get the lowest marks.
The growing popularity of index investing is only just starting to be felt in the world of responsible investing but as the market for plain vanilla trackers becomes increasingly crowded, what does the future hold for ESG passive products?