Bfinance: Questions raised over fee structures for ESG funds
Fee compression remains unchanged in most sectors, writes Hannah Williford
Fee compression remains unchanged in most sectors, writes Hannah Williford
Portfolio will comprise companies advancing the UN SDGs, reports Michael Nelson
EU faces ‘bottlenecks and vulnerabilities along the supply chain’
Korea is following in Japan’s footsteps in implementing governance reform, writes Christian Mayes
Labelled bond market continues to grow across Europe, reports Hannah Williford
Sustainable investment commentators criticise adjustments to thresholds, reports Michael Nelson
Michael Nelson reports on ‘a crucial step to holding companies accountable for their negative impacts’
Focus on greenhouse gas reduction, sustainable consumer, pollution control, circular economy and enabling technology
The most-funded start-up areas in Europe over Q1 2024 were energy, health and fintech
The report notes passives’ popularity and flows into fixed income and transition strategies
Supporting SMEs and small mid-caps in the agricultural and food sectors
Complex regulations identified as one of the main barriers hindering private capital access