Pictet launches private assets ‘Eltif’ with environmental focus

Focus on greenhouse gas reduction, sustainable consumer, pollution control, circular economy and enabling technology


Pete Carvill

Pictet has launched a European Long-Term Investment Fund (Eltif), targeting private assets with an environmental theme.

According to Pictet Alternative Advisors, the Pictet Group’s wholly-owned alternative investment business, the Pictet Private Assets SICAV – Environment Co-Investment Fund I Eltif will offer investors greater access to “innovative environmental technology investments across private markets”.

The fund will target 20 to 25 investments, with a focus on the greenhouse gas reduction, sustainable consumer, pollution control, circular economy and enabling technology segments. It will be led by Pierre Stadler, head of thematics PE and Nicolas Thomas, thematics principal.

‘Addressing environmental challenges’

“Through this fund, investors have access to a portfolio of rigorously selected private equity co-investments,” said Stadler. “With so much innovation in private companies – and specifically those focused on addressing environmental challenges – we see significant value being created in this theme. Our experienced team is highly selective when choosing where to invest, focusing on businesses with a proven ability to achieve consistent growth and cashflow.”

Thomas added: “As the transition to a more sustainable world constitutes one of the greatest challenges societies have ever faced, companies providing environmental solutions could generate significant financial returns and above-average long-term growth.”

The strategy will be classified as an ‘Article 8’ fund under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the minimum subscription is €10,000 for the retail share class.