Vanguard offers global aggregate bond ETF

New Ucits exchange traded fund provides global exposure to bonds for an ongoing charges figure of 0.10%


David Robinson

Vanguard has launched the Vanguard Global Aggregate Bond Ucits ETF on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), and Deutsche Börse.

The fund provides access to a universe of over 23,500 investment grade bonds issued by governments, corporates and agencies across both developed and emerging markets.

The ETF is ‘currency hedged’ to minimise the risks associated with movements in currency exchange rates.

Mark Fitzgerald, head of ETF product management, Europe said: “Investors are often tempted to invest locally when it comes to fixed income, largely out of familiarity. However, the added diversity of a global bond allocation can actually reduce the risk of an investor’s fixed income portfolio, without necessarily decreasing the expected returns, provided the currency risk is hedged.

“By adding global bonds, you gain exposure to a greater number of securities, different inflation and economic environments, as well as business cycles from a wider range of markets.”