US engine of dividend growth slows – Europe picks up the pace

            Global dividend growth slowed in the second quarter, according to the latest Henderson Global Dividend Index. Underlying dividend growth, which strips out exchange rate movements and other lesser factors, was 1.2%. This is slower than the 3.1% underlying growth seen in the first quarter, partly reflecting Q2 seasonal patterns…








Global dividend growth slowed in the second quarter, according to the latest Henderson Global Dividend Index. Underlying dividend growth, which strips out exchange rate movements and other lesser factors, was 1.2%. This is slower than the 3.1% underlying growth seen in the first quarter, partly reflecting Q2 seasonal patterns that give greater weight to slower growing parts of the world, and partly owing to a more muted performance from the US.

Key Highlights

  • Global dividends rose in underlying terms by 1.2% year on year to $421.6bn
  • US engine of global dividends decelerated to slowest growth since 2013, partly thanks to the stronger dollar
  • Europe saw broad-based, encouraging growth year on year – Q2 saw two thirds of Europe’s dividends
  • France and Netherlands show second and third fastest growth in the world
  • 80% of European companies raise or maintain dividends
  • The strong yen has impacted corporate profits and Japanese dividend growth, though in dollars, Japanese dividends rose strongly
  • H2 set to be slightly weaker than H1, as slower growing regions make up a larger share of the total

All figures as at 30.06.2016, Henderson Global Investors

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