UBP launches impact equity fund

Measurement of non-financial performance alongside financial results will be one of the strategy’s key characteristics


David Robinson

Swiss bank Union Bancaire Privee (UBP) has launched a new impact equity fund which selects companies based on a measurement framework developed in collaboration with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), an institution within the University of Cambridge.

The measurement of non-financial performance alongside financial results, in a long-term approach, will be one of the strategy’s key characteristics.

The aim of its “Positive Impact Equity” strategy was to generate long-term returns investing in companies with revenue streams which address the world’s most pressing environmental and societal challenges, the group said,

The portfolio of 25–35 stocks will primarily be invested in global themes through companies which meet measurable impact criteria.

UBP said it developed its measurement framework in collaboration with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), an institution within the University of Cambridge working with influencers to build a sustainable economy.

Nicolas Faller, co-CEO of Asset Management at UBP said: “We are convinced that we are at a tipping point in demand, both from society and from nations, and that companies which help to solve society’s and the planet’s acute challenges are ideally positioned for steady growth over the coming decades.”

The strategy will be managed by London-based European equity managers Victoria Leggett and Rupert Welchman.

UBP has been a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) since 2012.