Tobam hires new French business development chief

French asset manager seeks to develop market share in home country, which accounts for 5% of total AUM


David Robinson

French asset manager Tobam has hired a new head of business development in its home country.

Philippe Bigeard (pictured) will be responsible for growing the firm’s base of insurance companies, wealth managers and banks in France.

French investors currently account for about 5% of the group’s total AUM. The group has offices in Paris, Dublin and New York.

Bigeard was formally group head of product marketing at asset servicing bank Caceis and holds a Masters in Applied Economics in Monetary and Banking activities from University of Dauphine, Paris IX and a MSc in Corporate Finance from Lille Graduate School of Management.

Christophe Roehri, deputy CEO and head of business development said: “Philippe’s in-depth understanding of the French institutional market combined with his wide experience in business development makes him the perfect candidate to lead our expansion in France.”