There is no recovery without sustainability.

The global crisis continues to transform our society and economy. This means favoring innovative companies that take sustainability seriously should be every investor’s priority. It’s time to fight not just for recovery, but for one that last. In our publication, Robeco’s Head of Sustainability Integration Masja Zandbergen answers sustainability-related questions arising from the coronavirus pandemic.…


The global crisis continues to transform our society and economy. This means favoring innovative companies that take sustainability seriously should be every investor’s priority. It’s time to fight not just for recovery, but for one that last.

In our publication, Robeco’s Head of Sustainability Integration Masja Zandbergen answers sustainability-related questions arising from the coronavirus pandemic. What might investors expect in the post-Covid-19 world? Zandbergen says that from an ESG perspective, the two most important issues are capital management and board remuneration, meaning a much greater emphasis on the S for social in ESG.

It will be the most sustainable companies that are likely to prosper the most in the post-Covid-19 world. Our publication explains why.

Download our publication here 
