
  • retiring types

    At an Amsterdam roundtable debate chaired by Expert Investor Europe editor Dylan Emery, four key Dutch pension scheme decision makers discussed their attitudes to currency risk, the growing pressures they face from politicians, and the proposed EU financial transaction tax

  • market-insight-netherlands-2012-q3

    Dutch fund selectors are living up to expectations. More than half of delegates surveyed at the Expert Investor Netherlands conference in September 2011, planned to increase their investment grade corporate bond allocations during the following 12 months – the strongest positive response on any mainstream asset class (see graph 1). In July, our researchers found…

  • Market Insight 2011 Q3 Netherlands

    Dutch investors are maintaining a balanced approach to any investment over the recent months. Many are keen to get back into the various opportunities that present themselves, but volatility and risk aversion keeps them from changing their current allocations dramatically. At the end of March 2011, total assets in Dutch insurers and pension funds was…

  • Market Insight 2010 Q4 Netherlands