
  • europes most wanted

    Single-country investing is best utilised as part of a broader portfolio. By Oliver Kettlewell, investment research analyst at Morningstar OBSR

  • italy-latest-data

    Specifically, we asked this question: for all these various asset classes, over the next 12 months do you expect to increase your weighting (positive), keep it the same (neutral) or decrease it (negative) or do you not use the asset class at all (not used)?   Outlook             This data…

  • Market Insight 2012 Q2 Italy

    Overview of the Italian market

  • Market Insight 2011 Q1 Italy

    Italian investors have regained confidence in the global upturn. Although they are not committing fully to the positive trends, they believe that a strong 2010 will also lead to opportunities in 2011. Following the need for reforms across Europe and stability within each member state of the EU, investors have expressed a sense of urgency…