Green bond market fights to save its reputation
Do the rules applying to issuers need tightening and should investors be concerned about greenwashing?
Do the rules applying to issuers need tightening and should investors be concerned about greenwashing?
Ucits ETF will offer European investors exposure to bonds supporting projects aligned to a low-carbon future
Green bond issued by Spanish bank BBVA is first to use blockchain technology to negotiate terms and conditions
Two separate reports are predicting that 2019 will be a huge year for green bond issuance
Companies selected for ESG equity fund portfolios can outperform peers ‘but not when ESG is applied to fixed income’
The issuance will help finance on and offshore wind and solar projects in Europe and the Americas
Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund’s Noelle Cazalis on the ‘red flag’ issues that can disqualify green investments
The Nasdaq’s Sustainable Green Bond Market has listed it’s 100th sustainable bond three years after launching the market in Stockholm
Swedish bank SEB warns that rising political uncertainty and trade tensions could undermine sector
A letter from Insight Investment calling for greater green bond issuance from banks highlights the lack of depth in the green bond space, despite the market growing significantly over the last year and the first green bond funds reaching their three-year track record.
Italy’s Generali Group is to increase investments in “green” sectors by €3.5bn by 2020, mainly by ploughing money into bonds that finance environmentally beneficial projects and investing directly in cleaner infrastructure.