Investment firms eye up silver and 5G
But European recovery expected to lag emerging market and US rebound
But European recovery expected to lag emerging market and US rebound
Equity markets have been quick to price in a return to normal
BNP Paribas AM rolls out voice-activated data and market commentary hub
Robeco’s head of quant research warns it is ‘short-sighted’ to dismiss factor investing altogether
But the EU’s taxonomy can guide investors through this rough patch
What do asset managers make of recent political changes in Paris?
Hunt for treatments and vaccines puts spotlight on pharmaceutical companies
He was chief executive from 1984 to 2001 and played a key role in merger with BNP Gestions
UK manager adds Europe-based representative, as French asset manager names head of real estate debt
Which ‘aims to provide clarity for investors on what can be regarded as a sustainable investment’
Mizuho, Mitsubishi UFJ Finanial Group, Citigroup and BNP Paribas lead financiers
French bank takes 22.5% stake in the wealth company