Active share should you care
At our Pan-European Congress in Rome, some 81% of delegates said they consider active share an important metric in their fund selection process. Here are some reasons why you should (not) care about active share.
At our Pan-European Congress in Rome, some 81% of delegates said they consider active share an important metric in their fund selection process. Here are some reasons why you should (not) care about active share.
For many fund selectors, active share has become an important benchmark tool. However, Arild Orgland, managing partner of Industrifinans in Oslo, believes a focus on active share could easily fool fund selectors. In a video interview with EIE’s Tjibbe Hoekstra, he explains why he thinks so.
The extent to which an investment fund’s portfolio deviates from its benchmark matters, say delegates at Expert Investor Europe’s Pan-European Congress in Rome.