SLI third party inflows leap to £10.3bn

Standard Life Investments has reported its net third party inflows leapt to £10.3bn (€13.2bn) in 2015 from just £1.7bn in 2014.


PA Europe

Excluding Ignis, which saw a disinvestment of a £1.7bn, net inflows for third party increased 113% to £12.8bn from £6bn in 2014. SLI’s AUM was up to £253.2bn from £245.9bn over the year.

The company said this was underpinned by ‘excellent money weighted average investment performance.’ It reported 90% of third party funds were ahead of benchmark over five years, with 95% ahead over three years and 88% over one year.

Multi-asset and absolute return was the stand-out performer contributing £9.5bn versus £5.1bn in 2014 as AUM increased to £50.3bn from £38.6bn. The company’s flagship GARS fund was the main moneymaker.

Net flows were improved in fixed income with £0.3bn of inflows versus £1bn outflows in 2014, and also in equities which saw a nil net positions compared with £1.3bn outflows in 2014. Real estate net inflows fell to £0.3bn versus £0.7bn.

Standard Life Wealth saw its AUM increased to £6.5bn from £6.1bn in 2014 due to £0.2bn of net inflows and positive market movements.

Chief executive Keith Skeoch said: “During 2015 Standard Life has made considerable progress towards creating a world-class investment company against a backdrop of volatile investment markets and an evolving regulatory landscape. We have increased the assets that we administer on behalf of our clients and customers to £307bn with almost two thirds of these assets now coming from our growth channels. Investments are at the heart of what we do and we now manage £253bn of assets across the globe driven by strong investment performance.”