sentiment survey 2013 q3 netherlands

The voting results from fund selectors in Amsterdam, in September 2013



1.)  For European equities, do you prefer:  
Small-cap  29%
Large cap  57%
No preference  14%
2.)  For European equities, do you prefer:  
Growth  19%
Value 62%
No preference  19%
3.)  For European equities, do you prefer:  
Active   68%
Passive 23%
No preference  9%
4.)  For European equities, do you prefer:  
Long-only 82%
Long-short 18%
No preference  0%
5.)  For US equities, do you prefer:  
Small-cap  19%
Large cap  57%
No preference  24%
6.)  For US equities, do you prefer:  
Growth  14%
Value 67%
No preference  19%
7.)  For US equities, do you prefer:  
Active   52%
Passive 35%
No preference  13%
8.)  For US equities, do you prefer:  
Long-only 77%
Long-short 23%
No preference  0%
9.)  Re low volatility over the next 12 months do you expect to:  
Increase your weighting 18%
Keep it the same / uncertain 45%
Decrease your weighting 9%
We don’t use this asset class 27%
10.)  For Fixed Income do you prefer:  
Traditional 33%
Multi-asset  50%
Hedge 4%
No preference 13%
11.)  Re Commercial Property, over the next 12 months do you expect to:  
Increase your weighting 22%
Keep it the same / uncertain 33%
Decrease your weighting 28%
We don’t use this asset class 17%
12.)  Re Residential Property, over the next 12 months do you expect to:  
Increase your weighting 35%
Keep it the same / uncertain 20%
Decrease your weighting 15%
We don’t use this asset class 30%
13.)  For EM equities, do you prefer:  
Small-cap  19%
Large cap  44%
No preference  38%
14.)  For EM equities, do you prefer:  
Growth  19%
Value 38%
No preference  44%
15.)  For EM equities, do you prefer:  
Active   76%
Passive 6%
No preference  18%
16.)  For EM equities, do you prefer:  
Long-only 83%
Long-short 17%
No preference  0%
17.)  Which is the greater threat?  
Inflation 56%
Deflation 44%
18.)  Re Gold, over the next 12 months do you expect to:  
Increase your weighting 7%
Keep it the same / uncertain 13%
Decrease your weighting 7%
We don’t use this asset class 73%