sentiment survey 2013 q2 italy

The voting results from fund selectors in Milan, in May 2013




1.)  What is your broad macroeconomic outlook?
Positive 50%
Uncertain 35%
Negative 15%
2.)  Is the current government competent to manage the economy?
Yes 14%
No 86%
3.)  Re Global Emerging Market Equities, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 30%
Keep it the same / uncertain 50%
Decrease your weighting 5%
We don’t use this asset class 15%
4.)  Re Developed European Equities, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 50%
Keep it the same / uncertain 35%
Decrease your weighting 15%
We don’t use this asset class 0%
5.)  Re UK Equities, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 20%
Keep it the same / uncertain 35%
Decrease your weighting 15%
We don’t use this asset class 30%
6.)  Re US Equities, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 45%
Keep it the same / uncertain 40%
Decrease your weighting 15%
We don’t use this asset class 0%
7.)  Re Asian Equities, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 45%
Keep it the same / uncertain 36%
Decrease your weighting 9%
We don’t use this asset class 9%
8.)  Re Japanese Equities, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 27%
Keep it the same / uncertain 41%
Decrease your weighting 5%
We don’t use this asset class 27%
9.)  Re Developed Market Government Bonds, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 5%
Keep it the same / uncertain 23%
Decrease your weighting 64%
We don’t use this asset class 9%
10.)  Re Developed Market Corporate Bonds, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 10%
Keep it the same / uncertain 52%
Decrease your weighting 33%
We don’t use this asset class 5%
11.)  Re Developed Market High Yield Bonds, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 32%
Keep it the same / uncertain 45%
Decrease your weighting 18%
We don’t use this asset class 5%
12.)  Re Emerging Market Government Bonds, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 14%
Keep it the same / uncertain 52%
Decrease your weighting 24%
We don’t use this asset class 10%
13.)  Re Emerging Market Corporate Bonds, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 61%
Keep it the same / uncertain 17%
Decrease your weighting 9%
We don’t use this asset class 13%
14.)  Re Absolute Return Strategies, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 58%
Keep it the same / uncertain 32%
Decrease your weighting 5%
We don’t use this asset class 5%
15.)  Re Long/short European/UK Equity, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 25%
Keep it the same / uncertain 45%
Decrease your weighting 5%
We don’t use this asset class 25%
16.)  Re Low-volatility Long-only equity strategies, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 32%
Keep it the same / uncertain 45%
Decrease your weighting 9%
We don’t use this asset class 14%
17.) Re Hard Currency Debt over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 10%
Keep it the same / uncertain 48%
Decrease your weighting 38%
We don’t use this asset class 5%
18.)  Re Local Currency Debt over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 39%
Keep it the same / uncertain 43%
Decrease your weighting 13%
We don’t use this asset class 4%
19.)  Which is the greater threat?
Inflation 32%
Deflation 68%
20.)  What will be  the fate of the euro?
It will not exist in 2 years 10%
It will not exist in 10 years 30%
It will continue 60%
21.)  What should happen  to the euro?
It should stay as it is 47%
The fiscally strong states should form a separate union 42%
We should go back to one country, one currency 11%
22.)  Will austerity
Cure our economy 43%
Kill  our economy 57%
23.)  Re Gold, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase your weighting 19%
Keep it the same / uncertain 29%
Decrease your weighting 14%
We don’t use this asset class 38%
24.) Price of gold
Bull 23%
Undecided/Neither 59%
Bear 18%