Pictet offers new total return EM bond fund

Ucits-compliant Pictet TR-Sirius fund will invest in range of EM sovereign bonds, interest rates and currencies


David Robinson

Pictet Asset Management has added a new fixed income strategy to its total return franchise in the form of the Pictet TR-Sirius fund.

The strategy employed by Sirius is liquid global macro emerging market long-short fixed income.

Pictet TR-Sirius invests in a wide range of EM sovereign bonds, interest rates and currencies, with the aim of generating alpha in all market conditions, the group said.

It intends to minimise directional bias to beta or carry and avoid downside risk. The fund has no benchmark constraints and aims to exceed the Libor overnight rate by 6-8% gross return, with an expected annual volatility of 4-6% over a 3- to 5-year horizon, the group added.

This strategy is managed in London by Ketan Gada, supported by Thibaut Nocella and Rav Singh.

Pictet TR-Sirius is Ucits compliant and registered for sale in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Finland and Sweden.

“This strategy will offer investors participation in the advantages of emerging markets with lower volatility,” said fixed income CIO Raymond Sagayam.