Photofinish looms for EIE Fantasy Fund

EIE’s Fantasy Fund Picker Competition is still too close to call, as four fund selectors still have victory within reach.


PA Europe

The top-4 of the competition has remained intact since November, but the order has changed slightly as Bosma and Stefansson changed places. Henk van Eldik, a Dutch financial consultant based in Luxembourg, remained on second place while Alberto Montero of Morabanc in Andorra stays put on the fourth spot. The difference in total return between number one and four is less than 2 percentage points though, so everything still seems possible. 

Global and US equity: the winning mix?

Stefansson, a fund selector from the Icelandic pension fund LSR, has steadily climbed up the ranking over the course of the past year. He entered the top-three in November, and now finds himself leading the competition with a portfolio consisting of a mix between global and US equity funds, returning him 23.44% in the 10 months to February 2015.


All the eight funds chosen by the Icelander showed a steady performance, ranging from 19% to 31% over the 10-month timeframe, which also brings him to the top of the table of Morningstar’s risk-adjusted ranking. As a flipside to this, none of the Icelander’s funds have so far made it into the top-9 of best performing funds, which consists of six emerging market equity funds (five of which are an Asian single-country fund), a European equity fund, a sector fund and two global equity funds.

Top-10 funds

Participant name Fund name ISIN Return
Alberto Montero Direxion Daily FTSE China Bull 3X ETF US25459W7719 80.87
Teresa Platan Franklin India A Acc $ LU0231203729 69.87
Rui Castro Pacheco HSBC GIF Indian Equity ID LU0149722851 60.28
Rui Castro Pacheco HSBC GIF Turkey Equity IC LU0213961922 43.11
Stefano Spurio MFS® Meridian European Value AH1 CHF LU0808561210 42.63
Teresa Platan BGF Asian Growth Leaders D2RF USD LU0859042482 40.3
Rico Bosma iShares Global Healthcare US4642873255 38.93
Alberto Montero/Carles Figueras Auriga Investors Montserrat Global B LU0650580227 38.42
Rui Castro Pacheco Amundi Fds Eq Thailand IU-C LU0158081363 35.42
Rico Bosma iShares Global Tech US4642872919 34.75

The competition’s best performing fund is still Alberto Montero’s ETF with a 300% leverage on the Chinese equity market. He also has one of the riskiest portfolios, with a standard deviation of 3.98. The lowest-risk portfolio was constructed by another Spaniard, Dani Sulla from Trea Capital Partners in Barcelona. His portfolio of mainly bond and absolute return funds has a standard deviation of only 0.89, combined with an overall return of 8.66%.