gallery expert investor spain 2013 q2

Images from the June 2013 Expert Investor Spain event


A survey found that just one-fifth of conference delegates thought Spain’s ruling administration was “competent to manage the economy”, indicating little confidence in recent claims by prime minister Mariano Rajoy that the worst of the country’s economic crisis is behind it.

However, fund selectors were in aggregate positive on the “broad macroeconomic outlook” – a marked improvement on the equivalent event in 2012, when just 10% held a positive view.

This upbeat stance appears linked to growing confidence in the long-term future of the euro. As reported last week, all of our delegates expected the single currency to survive beyond the next ten years – the first time Expert Investor Europe has recorded a unanimously positive vote on this topic.

Click here to see a slideshow of photos taken at Expert Investor Spain.

Platinum members can additionally view a full breakdown of the event voting data here, as well as charts showing how Spanish investor appetite for various asset classes has changed over time, here.