The future isn’t what it used to be

As Last Word Media prepares to celebrate its first 10 years in business, here is our look back at some of the biggest changes in the past decade.


And we also have:

An ageing population as the baby boomers move into retirement; MiFiD II; people retiring for longer; more asset millionaires on the back of QE as prices for stocks, bonds and real estate rocketed; more people working for multinational companies who no longer plan to retire in their native countries.

And some things have been and nearly gone. QE anyone? We have nearly said ‘Goodbye’ to inducements; and I am not sure whether we are living in a more globalised world, a more decoupled world or simply a more complicated world brought together by rapidly-increasing technology. “Hello, fintech!!”; the global financial crisis is behind us though the repercussions will live with us for at least the next 10 years…  

…and what about the next ten years then? What do you think we will be writing about on Last Word Media’s 20th anniversary?

Or, more importantly, what would you like to see being written about in the coming 10 years?

Email me to let us know and we will collate your thoughts, predictions and heartfelt desires about what the next decade holds across all of Last Word Media’s brands (International Adviser, Portfolio Adviser, Expert Investor Europe and Fund Selector Asia) on 3rd December.

The significance of 3rd December is that the evening before this we will be hosting our 10th anniversary party where we will be celebrating the last 10 years, coupled with the introduction of our bold new look for the next 10 years and beyond.  We hope you’ll enjoy it.  To take a sneak peek – click here.