Continental fund buyers think Britain will remain in EU

European fund buyers believe Britain will vote to remain in the European Union on Thursday. Investors from the Nordic countries are especially convinced the status quo will prevail.


PA Europe

Expert Investor asked a few hundred fund buyers across Europe in the past few years whether they think the British people will vote to remain or leave the EU. In all of the eight countries where we held a poll since the referendum was announced, a clear majority believe Remain will prevail in this week’s poll.

Finnish fund buyers are most convinced. When they were asked the question whether Britain will choose to remain in the EU, a unanimous ‘yes’ was the answer. The result in Iceland was very similar, with 92% believing Remain will prevail, versus 8% of votes for Leave.

Only last week, the gap has started to narrow. Polls held at Expert Investor forums in both Madrid and Luxembourg showed 40% of the audience believing Leave will prevail. While this still means Remain is the expected outcome for most, it shows an increasing share of fund selectors is taking the possibility of Brexit into account as both polls and bookmakers’ odds have started to become closer.

How have portfolio managers across Europe responded to this increasing uncertainty? We asked a few fund buyers. Check back in on Thursday to see what they think.