Expert Investor Germany voting results

1.)  For European equities,  do you prefer   Small-cap    50% Large cap    30% No preference    20%                 2.)  For European equities,  do you prefer   Growth    18.18% Value   81.82% No preference    0%                 3.)  For US equities, …


1.)  For European equities,  do you prefer  
Small-cap    50%
Large cap    30%
No preference    20%
2.)  For European equities,  do you prefer  
Growth    18.18%
Value   81.82%
No preference    0%
3.)  For US equities,  do you prefer  
Small-cap    72.73%
Large cap    27.27%
No preference    0%
4.)  For US equities,  do you prefer 
Growth    36.36%
Value   54.55%
No preference    9.09%
5.)  For EM equities,  do you prefer  
Small-cap    10%
Large cap    70%
No preference    20%
6.)  For EM equities,  do you prefer 
Growth    20%
Value   50%
No preference    30%
7.)  Re Alternative Ucits – Equities, over the next 12 months do you expect to: 
Increase exposure   36.36%
Keep the same / uncertain   18.18%
Decrease exposure   9.09%
Decrease exposure/No significant exposure at all   36.36%
8.)  Re Global Equity Products, over the next 12 months do you expect to: 
Increase exposure   30%
Keep the same / uncertain   60%
Decrease exposure   0%
Decrease exposure/No significant exposure at all   10%
9.)  Re Global Equity Income Products, over the next 12 months do you expect to: 
Increase exposure   40%
Keep the same / uncertain   20%
Decrease exposure   0%
Decrease exposure/No significant exposure at all   40%
10.)  Re Alternative Ucits – Fixed Income, over the next 12 months do you expect to:
Increase exposure   63.64%
Keep the same / uncertain   0%
Decrease exposure   18.18%
Decrease exposure/No significant exposure at all   18.18%
11.)  Which is the greater threat? (multiple choice)
Inflation   50%
Deflation   50%