ETF Securities launches three tech funds

ETF Securities, , a London-based exchange traded funds provider, has launched three new ETFs that look for potential growth opportunities in emerging technology industries within the healthcare, energy storage, and commerce sectors.

Tech fund


Jassmyn Goh

The three funds – ETFS Battery Value-Chain GO UCITS ETF, ETFS Ecommerce Logistics GO UCITS ETF, and ETFS Pharma Breakthrough GO UCITS ETF – are the first ETFs in Europe to track their respective sectors, according to the firm.

ETF Securities’ UCITS platform CANVAS chief executive, Howie Li, said: “We expect the new range of ETFs to be attractive to investors that are looking for potential growth opportunities that capture the progress being made in these emerging industries”.

The battery fund’s index aims to track the performance of companies that are providers of certain electrochemical energy storage technologies and mining companies that produce metals used to manufacture batteries.

The ecommerce ETF aims to track the performance of logistics service providers and technology companies who are engaged in ecommerce.

The firm’s pharma ETF aims to track the performance of companies that are engaged in the research and development and/or manufacturing of orphan drugs. Orphan drugs are pharmaceutical products that have been developed specifically to treat rare diseases or disorders.