Diversified income, consistent outcome

For investors seeking a consistent monthly income, diversity is key. The Kames Global Diversified Income Fund aims to deliver a stable and sustainable income of 5% p.a.*


The Fund operates as an unconstrained fund to increase flexibility and allow quick adjustment in order to adapt to changing market conditions. To spread risk and reduce volatility, the Kames Global Diversified Income Fund invests across bonds, equities, property and specialist income assets, such as infrastructure, renewable energy and aircraft leasing. 

*Target income is not guaranteed and may be revised in the future, capital is at risk and there is no guarantee that the fund will generate a positive return. The 5% is a target yield, being the fund’s target total distribution over the next 12 months as a percentage of the current mid-market share price. 

Find out more and for legal information, visit www.kamescapital.com/income-solutions