
  • European equities continue to enjoy inflows – Calastone

    European equities continue to enjoy inflows – Calastone

    European equities enjoyed their third-best month on record in January, according to the latest data from Calastone. The company reported in its Fund Flow Index that the sector saw inflows of £471m in the month, following December in which the second-highest inflows were recorded. It also reported that inflows to emerging market equity funds slowed…

  • Europe first to shy away from ESG across Calastone network

    Europe first to shy away from ESG across Calastone network

    European investors were the first to begin turning away from ESG funds, according to data from across the Calastone fund network. The company made the assertion in its latest Global Fund Flows Report, suggesting the “backlash” against ESG products began on the continent. “European investors began selling out of ESG funds in January 2022 and…

  • ING plots bleak course for Europe in 2024

    ING plots bleak course for Europe in 2024

    Europe is set to experience “weak development” across many of its equity sectors this year, according to forecasts from ING. In What to expect from European sectors in 2024, the financial services giant indicated the manufacturing, staffing and construction sectors were likely to witness declines, even as transport and retail are set to see a…

  • Will markets ignore busiest election year in history?

    Will markets ignore busiest election year in history?

    It is tough to pick the resulting market outcome from any election, writes Cherry Reynard 2024’s calendar of elections kicked off with the Taiwanese election, which immediately careered into controversy. Yet markets appear to be untroubled by any potential escalation in geopolitical tensions it may bring about. Is this a sign of things to come,…