HSBC GAM offers China A fund
Actively-managed Luxembourg-domiciled fund offers portfolio of 40-80 stocks with a large-cap bias
Actively-managed Luxembourg-domiciled fund offers portfolio of 40-80 stocks with a large-cap bias
Last Word Research asked 110 fund buyers across 20 European countries what they want from ESG funds
Broadridge Distribution Achievement awards presented at Alfi conference based on responses from 900 fund selectors
Managers face compliance challenges and ‘liability risks’ from ambitious deadlines
The ETF will track the Solactive US Dollar Investment Grade Corporate Bond index
Alternative Ucits fund will provide clients with access to Bridgewater’s alpha and beta investment strategies
Irish office will centralise oversight of group’s Ucits platform and support clients in the Americas, EMEA and Asia
US group has received approval from the Dutch authorities to operate an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
We posed this and several other questions around ESG, Thematics and Alternatives to a group of fund buyers, Natixis managers and their affiliates. Discover their insights around Thematics in the second video in our three-part video series below.
Five Star-Democratic Party coalition more likely to address inequality and marginalisation issues, says Amundi
Retail investors account for the majority of fund groups’ assets in six European countries
An EU committee has suggested that some firms need to sharpen their Brexit contingency planning