Expert Investor Belgium Q1 2015
Most multi-asset funds need to offer an income yield around the 5% level to be competitive, says rating agency, Fundhouse, but this is increasingly tough to deliver.
Please see below for the voting results of Expert Investor Belgium in Brussels, on 29th of January 2015.
One of the big macro themes for 2015 was thought to be divergence in the central banking policies of different parts of the world.
The hedge fund industry is under strong competitive pressure to change, yet managers remain generally optimistic, according to a survey from State Street.
Luxembourg, Europe’s biggest largest domicile for Ucits funds, is looking for diversification. The country wants to attract more alternative investment funds, and non-Ucits funds which focus on sustainable investing.
Volatility in frontier market equities has been quite extreme over the past couple of months, but to what extent has this turbulence affected investor sentiment?
Global ETF assets will double until 2020, according to a study by PwC. But where growth is expected to come from varies greatly between the US and Europe.
According to the latest data gathered by EIE, Pan-European net sentiment (buyers minus sellers) is converging in the direction of zero for all bonds.
European investors are channelling large amounts of money into multi-asset funds, according to Lipper.
Mutual funds with the highest possible rating attract almost all inflows from investors, while lower-rated funds register large net outflows.