Photo Gallery – Expert Investor Pan-European Congress London
Here you can see a selection of photos taken at the Expert Investor Pan-European Congress, held in London on 1 and 2 December.
Here you can see a selection of photos taken at the Expert Investor Pan-European Congress, held in London on 1 and 2 December.
Benchmarks are a vital part of the asset management sector. Funds are measured against them, bonuses worked out in relation to them and entire sectors of the industry predicated upon them. But, if recent trends are extrapolated outwards, the days of the benchmark in its current form should be numbered.
More than 60% of wealthy investors in Germany, Switzerland and the UK are “fairly” or “very” confident in their ability to construct investment portfolios without any outside help, according to a study conducted by asset management consultancy Cerulli.
The same research house that slammed smart beta ETFs earlier this year for being too expensive compared to plain vanilla index trackers has now found that the former are gaining market share, while fees are being reduced.
Multi-strategy absolute return funds have been a blockbuster seller with investors for the past few years. But these funds have so far not done what they promise. With one exception.
Sanofi and Henkel have faced a fair amount of derision from commentators this week having both issued negative yielding corporate bonds, but could this be a sign or major troubles to come in fixed income markets?
Esma, the European financial regulator, has concluded there are no ‘significant obstacles’ to extend passporting rights for alternative investment funds (AIFs) to seven non-EU jurisdictions: Canada, Guernsey, Jersey, Japan, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Brexit has already cost active managers dearly. Over the month of June, European investors pulled €19.2bn from actively managed equity funds, Lipper reported today.
If fund flows are a reliable sentiment gauge, investors were at their most bearish since the autumn of 2011 on the eve of the Brexit vote. And the referendum outcome has only exacerbated this trend.
European investors hoarded cash in May. As Brexit-induced uncertainty dominated markets, they poured a net €14bn into USD money market funds, according to Lipper fund flows data.
Increased competition and unfavourable markets could see asset managers’ profits squeezed by as much as 35% over the next two years, according to a report by McKinsey and Company.
The amount of global sovereign fixed income with negative interest rates is up 5% since the end of April, according to Fitch Ratings.