Blackrock offers EM debt ESG fund range
New EM debt funds aim to allow portfolio managers to analyse relevant sustainability information alongside the traditional financial metrics to inform active investment decisions.
New EM debt funds aim to allow portfolio managers to analyse relevant sustainability information alongside the traditional financial metrics to inform active investment decisions.
Fidelity International has no plans to follow its US sister company Fidelity Investments by launching zero-fee index funds.
Gam Investments has halted new money coming into and out of its unconstrained absolute return bond funds (ARBF) following manager Tim Haywood’s suspension.
Less than a quarter of investors are using dedicated smart beta ESG strategies, according to study.
A Swiss-based private partnership created to help those who have suffered losses of assets and money from financial companies has launched a task force to recover money from the failed Columna Commodities Fund.
Swiss asset manager reportedly concerned that Tim Haywood may have made large investments in illiquid debt securities without the required due diligence and risk control reports.
Christian Pellis, global head of third-party distributors at Amundi, discusses the changing relationship between fund buyers and managers, and the idea that just ‘selling funds’ may not have much of a future.
MSCI is in the process of adding about 230 China-listed shares to its emerging market benchmark.
The move to expand Luxembourg-domiciled fund range comes at a time when many asset managers are rejigging their international distribution strategies as Brexit looms.
Sentiment towards emerging market equities among fund selectors across Asia has declined significantly following similar slump among European selectors, according to Last Word data.
Infrastructure funds have seen outflows for the first time in a decade but this has not discouraged pan-European fund selectors who are big fans of the asset class, according to Last Word Research.
Central bank bank expects to keep rates on hold at record low levels until summer 2019 and reaffirmed plans to wind up bond-buying programme in December.