Are we on the cusp of a commodities super-cycle?
‘The green revolution is very metal-intensive’
‘The green revolution is very metal-intensive’
Pockets of excessive valuation mean that it could be better in investors’ growth portfolios, one manager argues
Its Global Climate and Environment Fund saw assets soar 500% in two years
But delivering growth last year does not diminish lack of ESG and threat of US market shutout
Drive for improvements will stem from necessity more than choice
‘Seemingly infinite central bank liquidity is supporting the optimistic and risk-on sentiment’ says one portfolio manager
It did not have an auspicious start and even after a rewrite the rules may prove excessively prescriptive
Square Mile outlines the funds it believes will deliver on their promised impacts
Which raised NOK857m ahead of its listing in Oslo
‘Five years after the Paris agreement was signed, it continues to pour billions into the coal sector’
To enhance its ESG offering
Asset classes experienced big popularity shifts but support packages proved to be a stabilising force