COP26: Did Greta Thunberg nail it with ‘blah blah blah’?
UK firms to be ‘forced to show how they will hit net zero’ in an announcement that lacks… detail
UK firms to be ‘forced to show how they will hit net zero’ in an announcement that lacks… detail
Staley’s history with Jeffrey Epstein has come back to haunt the bank
Barely a quarter of the biggest players have set targets
One study suggests it could by as much as 26%
Says it is seeking to reignite public debate
Political spin and goalpost shifting fail to lift downbeat forecast
They were plagued by issues like managing ‘unconstrained’ strategies in ‘constrained’ vehicles, wishful thinking and back-tested results, and an aggressive hot-dot sales culture
Competition is ramping up and debts are mounting
Comment on a speech by the Bank of England deputy governor creates a story that wasn’t
Energy price rises and supply chain issues have thrown previous forecasts up in the air
Can asset managers with holdings in football clubs justify their ESG commitments if those clubs now take the field against Newcastle United?
With markets upgrading the probability of a stagflationary environment, Europe’s asset allocators assess whether to scale down portfolio risk