Class action to be filed against German investment company
The firm said ‘due to the ongoing insolvency proceedings, interest and repayments are no longer possible’
The firm said ‘due to the ongoing insolvency proceedings, interest and repayments are no longer possible’
The current yield-curve dynamics are not what we would normally expect in this stage of the business cycle
Industry revenues hit $328bn in 2020, in nominal terms the same level it reached in 2000
Sector’s post financial crisis bounce back has been largely overlooked
Products are hitting the market but do they answer a real need – especially given the many unanswered questions?
Two themes transcended geographies and business sectors to top investor preference
Bannered up as a ‘call to action’, it has all the hallmarks of an excuse-in-the-making
It might take longer to shake off our covid caution than originally thought
Pricing out locals could be a PR disaster in the making
Fund managers can be buffeted between hitting goals but delivering poor performance and vice versa
Is this the ‘secret sauce’ in the region’s recovery?
History suggests an explosion in Germany may not have the significant financial fallout some investors expect