
  • Europe’s economy struggling to keep pace with US and China

    Europe’s economy struggling to keep pace with US and China

    Beijing and Washington directing hundreds of billions of dollars towards ‘upending world’s free trade regime’

  • Is France becoming Europe’s go-to FDI destination?

    Is France becoming Europe’s go-to FDI destination?

    This year’s ‘Choose France’ summit, held at Versailles this month, has led to pledges of €13bn of future investment in the country. Reporting from Euractiv indicated more than 200 chief executives, including Tesla and Twitter supremo Elon Musk, attended the event. While Musk did not make any overt pledge, 28 company-specific projects were reportedly announced,…

  • Recession warning follows latest ECB rate hike

    Recession warning follows latest ECB rate hike

    The ECB’s decision to raise its base rate to 3.25% has led to one financial giant warning it was “sufficient” to cause a recession. According to Anna Stupnytska, global macro economist at Fidelity International, the European economy is set to follow a similar path to that of the US after the Federal Reserve raised rates…