austerity not the cure say Geneva delegates

Austerity policies risk killing economic recovery, say Swiss fund selectors.


Whether governments should pursue tighter or looser economic policy has been hotly-debated in recent weeks, with tensions between France and Germany laid bare over the weekend in a draft French Socialist Party paper criticising Angela Merkel for her “selfish intransigence” on austerity.

There is little doubt about which side of the argument Geneva-based investors stand on. When asked whether austerity was “kill” or “cure”, 85% selected the former. This tallied with their views on inflation/deflation, with almost three-quarters saying falling prices were “the greater threat”.

On other political issues, delegates were split on whether the proposed European Union financial transaction tax and banker bonus cap were good or bad ideas.

Platinum members can view a full breakdown of the Expert Investor Geneva delegate voting here.