Amundi CEO to step down

After 14 years in the role


Kirsten Hastings

Yves Perrier will step down as chief executive of Amundi on 10 May 2021 and take up the role of chairman of the board of directors.

The announcement was made in the company’s Q4 2020 results, published on 10 February.

“I felt it was time to pass on the general management torch,” he wrote.

His replacement has been named as Valerie Baudson, with Perrier commenting: “I have complete confidence in her ability to continue and amplify Amundi’s development trajectory”.

Her appointment “is the choice of competence, continuity and shared values,” he said.

Baudson is a member of the Amundi general management committee and currently chief executive of CPR Asset Management.

She has been in charge of the Amundi ETF, Indexing & Smart Beta business line since 2008, having started her career at Banque Indosuez in 1995.